激發細胞更生 - LRB Paris 蜂后活細胞面膜

Siuyee 開始要準備靚靚肌膚去迎接5月影 Pre Wedding,
所以今星期試用來自法國護膚品牌 ,
LRB Paris 的 Queen Bee Renewal Overnight Mask 蜂后活細胞面膜。

This week the weather is quite different, also the skin type as well.
Siuyee will be take the pre wedding photo shooting coming soon.
So I must keep the beauty until the pre wedding :)
This time I try the Brand of France Skincare from LRB Paris, 
Queen Bee Renewal Overnight Mask。

 LRB Paris 的 蜂后活細胞面膜質地十分滑而且好易推、唔油膩。

 About the LRB Paris Queen Bee Renewal Overnight Mask, 
textile feeling is quite creamy,very fast to absorb the mask for all skin type。

LRB Paris 蜂后活細胞面膜產品功效: 
LRB Paris Queen Bee Renewal Overnight Mask Benefits:

徹夜嫩化基因 - Accelerates cell regeneration
減淡皺紋 - Reduces all signs of aging 
淡化色斑 - Brightens and evens skin tone
強化彈力纖維 - Intensively nourishes skin
重塑緊緻輪廓 & 緊緻毛孔 - Restores firmness and skin’s elasticity
修復光幅射為肌底帶來的傷害 - Reduces discoloration

如何使用:How to use:


After moisturizer, apply a thin layer onto face and neck. Leave on overnight. 
Use at night as the final step of your skin care ritual. Recommend to use every day。


LRB Paris抽取蜂后活細胞中所蘊藏的凍齡蛋白: 激發細胞更生,
抺走一切衰老瑕疵,改善粗大毛孔及色斑問題。逆齡肽: 抑制及中斷衰老過程,
逆轉衰老年輪。CRL™ PF基因修復因子: 修復受損基因,


- Royalactin – Royal Epigen P5: Accelerates cell regeneration, improves skin tone evenness
- Progeline™: Improves the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin, shaping and lifting effect
- Repair Complex™: Protects against UV damage and stimulates the natural DNA repair mechanism after UV radiation. 

用了5天 LRB Paris 蜂后活細胞面膜,

After using LRB Paris Queen Bee Renewal Overnight Mask for 5 days,
My skin can be protect the anti-aging and skin quite brightening。
Highly recommend !!!

LRB Paris 產品在 Harvey Nichols and ZALORA 有售。
All the products from LRB Paris can buy at Harvey Nichols and ZALORA。

** 是次活動產品由 LRB Paris 提供,謝謝 **

** Thank you for LRB Paris for invitation **

LRB Paris Website: www.lrbparis.com


希望大家睇我的試用分享文,如有產品試用及工作坊邀請, 歡迎聯絡我,謝謝 !!!

Email: magicsiuyee84@gmail.com

Blog Link :




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